Know When to Replace Your TX Propane Storage Tank

The versatility, abundance, and cleanness of locally-produced propane gas make it a no-brainer for residential fueling in Texas. But how do you know when to replace your propane gas storage tank with a newer version? Here are some tips to help you decide when and how to upgrade your existing residential propane storage tank.

Consider replacing your residential propane storage container if…

It shows visible signs of wear and tear

If your propane container shows dents, rusting, or other visible signs of damage, you should consider replacing it. The soundest propane storage containers look pristine on the outside, reassuring you that they will contain your propane supply securely for years to come.

You own an underground propane tank

Underground propane storage containers pose notorious inspection, maintenance, and servicing difficulties. If you own an underground propane storage tank, consider getting in touch with Kelly Propane and Fuel for an aboveground installation.

You run through propane orders too frequently

If you order propane once a week, chances are you’d save time, energy, and even money by installing a larger tank size. As a Kelly Propane and Fuel customer, you can choose from these tank sizes for purchase and installation:

  • 250-gallon propane tanks
  • 500-gallon propane tanks
  • 1000-gallon propane tanks

We even offer leasing options for customers using more than 400 gallons of propane annually!

Schedule a Propane Tank Safety Inspection or Get an Estimate on a Replacement

Our team of qualified propane tank installation technicians will happily inspect your propane gas storage tank or give you an estimate on a new tank replacement. Simply give us a call at (940) 586-1208, or contact us online to ensure the safety and protection of your home and family with a propane tank built to last.